Inclusion Policy


There is federal, state and territory legislation in place which makes discrimination and harassment in relation to disability unlawful. This includes the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth), and the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (WA).

Disability can be broadly defined to include total or partial loss of or disorder to a person’s bodily or mental functions. The legislation covers disability which presently exists, previously existed but which no longer exists, may exist in the future, or is imputed to a person even if the person does not have a disability.

Discrimination includes both direct and indirect discrimination.

Kung Fu Wushu WA is an inclusive sport and is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities, their families and carers, have access to the facilities provided by Kung Fu Wushu WA, our affiliated clubs and KW WA sanctioned events.

Accordingly Kung Fu Wushu WA is committed to the following principles for people with disabilities:

  • People with disabilities have the same opportunities as other people to access the services of Kung Fu Wushu WA and events sanctioned by Kung Fu Wushu WA.
  • People with disabilities receive the same level and quality of service from staff of Kung Fu Wushu WA as other people receive from the staff of Kung Fu Wushu WA.
  • People with disabilities have the same opportunities as other people to make complaints to Kung Fu Wushu WA.
  • People with disabilities have the right to take part in Kung Fu Wushu WA activities in the same way as people without a disability. This means a person with a disability will not be precluded from training or competing if he or she is:
  • Capable of participating in the event
  • Selected to participate in the event on the basis of his or her skills and abilities.
  • Kung Fu Wushu WA will endorse all affiliated clubs to accept membership of membership of people with disabilities on the same terms as those people without a disability.
  • Kung Fu Wushu WA will as far as possible use, and encourage all affiliated clubs to use facilities which are able to be accessed by people with a disability.
  • Kung Fu Wushu WA will ensure that people with a disability have the same access to employment opportunities as people without a disability: the criteria will relate solely to capacity to perform requisite functions.